Hima, Gabriella, Univ.Prof.Dr., graduated in Hungarian and Russian literature and philology as well as in comparatistic at the Eötvös Lorand University in Budapest (1979) and in German literature and philology at the Debrecen University (1994); Humboldt scholarship at the University of Stuttgart (1994–1996) and a Széchenyi scholarship at the University of Debrecen (1999–2001); habilitation for literary theory at the Eötvös Lorand University in Budapest (2000); at present professor at the Department for Slavistic Literature and Philology, and German Literature and Philology, College of Nyiregyhaza, professor and head of the Department for Hungarian Literature and Comparatistic, and leader of the PhD Program in Literary Studies, University of the Reformed Church, Budapest as well.
- Szövegek párbeszéde. Kosztolányi Dezső: Nero, a véres költő és Albert Camus: Caligula [Dialog of texts. D. Kosztolányi: Nero, the bloody poet and A. Camus: Caligula ] .Széphalom Könyvműhely, Budapest 1994. pp. 158.
- Tu felix Austria. Halál és mítosz a mai osztrák prózában [Tu felix Austria. Death and myth in present Austrian prose]. Széphalom Könyvmuhely 1995. pp. 192.
- Dunkle Archive der Seele in hellen Gebärden des Körpers. Die Anthropologie der neusachlichen Prosa [Dark archives of the soul revealed by clear gestures of the body. The anthropology of the new objective prose]. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/M. 1999. pp. 276.
- Mörderische Poesie [Bloody Poetry]. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/M. 2000. pp. 156.
- Az irodalomtudomány jelenkori irányzatai [Present trends in literary theory]. Eötvös József Kiadó, Budapest 1999. pp. 145. The same in Russian: C овременные направления в литературоведении. Cetverta Hvil’a, Kiev 2000. pp. 180.
Numerous articles on Hungarian, Russian, Austrian and German literature and literary theory both in Hungarian and international periodicals. Documentation: http://www.soyfer.at/zs/04_2.htm
Email: himag@ludens.elte.hu
Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie
Das Böse in der Geschichte und in der Literatur. Archäologie und Fiktion (16.Nr.)
Report: Recycling Culture. Ancient and Sacral Texts in (Post)Modern Literature and Art (16.Nr.)
Report: Narration in Literature and Writing History (15.Nr.)
Interkulturalität und Alterität in fiktionalen Reiseberichten (14.Nr.)
Bericht über die Sektion „Gedächtniskulturen und Narrationen“ (14.Nr.)
The message of the medium. McLuhan’s media theory and the present media situation (10.Nr.)
Körperlichkeit gegen Verbalität und Visualität Theater im Kontext der Medien (9.Nr.)
Wissenschaftliche Darstellungen und Forschung im Zeitalter des Internet (6.Nr.)
Buchreihen des INST | Book Series of INST | Collections de l’INST
Nathan und Ruben. Zwei orientalische Märchen. (in: Bd 9: Jura Soyfer und die alte Welt, TRANS-Studien zur Veränderung der Welt, Bd. 9, 2009)
Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/hima_gabriella 2010-06-06
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