Müller, Marie Elisabeth: born 1966. Studied German Literature, Philosophy, Linguistics and Media Science in Düsseldorf, Tübingen and Konstanz (Germany). 1998 PhD in Media Science, Department of Philosophy at the University of Konstanz. Dissertation: „Passages of Meaning. An aesthetical theory of event-related representation – on paradoxical and serial structures, informal fakes and Peter Greenaway‘s featurefilms”. Since 1993 free-lancer in German public radio as an editor and a producer of documentaries and reports. Since October 2004 DAAD-Lecturer and Head of the German Studies Programme at the public University of Nairobi, Kenya. Author of many articles in academic periodicals. Also contributes to internet-journals (www.parapluie.de) und newspapers as a journalist and writer. Main subjects of her work: Modern German Literature, Intercultural Philosophy and Literature, Cultural Studies, Discourse of Modernity and Post modernity, History of the 20th Century, Contemporary Fine Arts. Publication: „Mietek Pemper, Der rettende Weg. Schindlers Liste, Die wahre Geschichte.” Hoffmann und Campe, 2005.
Email: drmemueller@aol.com
Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie
„Schöne, weiße Galerien!“ – Identitätsprozesse und Rassismus in der westlichen Kunstwelt (15.Nr.)
Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/mueller_marie-elisabeth 2006-01-30
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