Sporis, Valerica

Sporis, Valerica: born 1971 in Romania. 1997 graduation at University „Lucian Blaga“ of Sibiu, Romania, Faculty of Letters and Arts. Specialization Romanian / French. Since 1998 working at this Faculty. Since 2006 Lecturer at the Department of Romanian Language and Literature. Ph D student in Linguistics and Stylistics in the final elaboration stage of the thesis, Diss. „The Stylistic Values of the Romanian Adjective.“ Areas of interest: Linguistics and Stylistics. Participation at national and international conferences. 1997 – 1998: Master in Letters at Faculty of Letters and Arts, specialization Stylistics of Romanian Language.

Email: vali_ulbs@yahoo.com

Bibliographie | Bibliography | Bibliographie


L’analyse stylistique: méthode ou technique de la recherche du texte? (16.Nr.)

Adresse (URL): http://www.inst.at/trans/bio/sporis_valerica   2006-04-24
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