Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems
An der Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems sind weltweit bis zum Herbst 2003 rund viertausend WissenschafterInnen beteiligt. Das INST war eingeladen worden, Beiträge zu den Themen Culture, Civilization and Human Society (6.23.) und Literature and the Fine Arts (6.24) zu erarbeiten. Mit den Beiträgen ging es darum zu zeigen, dass Kunst und Kultur die Basis aller menschlichen Entwicklung sind. Anbei das Inhaltsverzeichnis der INST-Beiträge. Die Einleitungsbeiträge von 6.23. und 6.24. wurden im Buch "Knowledge for Sustainable Development" abgedruckt, das Generaldirektor der Generaldirektor der UNESCO, Matsuura, beim UN-Summit im September 2002 in Johannesburg vorstellte. Details zum Buch und zum Projekt bzw. die Online-Ausgabe finden Sie im WWW: http://www.eolss.net/
EOLSS 6.23.
Culture, Civilization and Human Society
Herbert Arlt
Editor: Donald G. Daviau
Culture, Civilization and Human Society, Herbert Arlt
1. Theory and History of Culture, Gerhard Budin
Foundations and characteristics of culture, Peter Horn
Culture as a manifestation of human activity, Franz M. Wuketits
Sorting out culture, Herbert Eisele
Interpretation of symbols, Vasil Rainov
2. Cultural Heritage, Peter Horn
Diversity and unity in the cultural heritage of peoples, states and humanity, Anette Horn
Traditions, innovations and discontinuations in the development of cultures, Anette Horn
Protection of cultural heritage as social, political, and economic issues, Kathleen Thorpe
3. Mass Culture and Cultural Identities, Peter Horn
Globalization and contemporary societies, Kathleen Thorpe
Modern and traditional cultures, David Simo
Imperialism, Resistance and Culture, David Simo
Structures of Culture and Communication Forms, Herbert Eisele
Perception of the Arts, Vasil Rainov
4. Cultural Interactions, Herbert Arlt
Local cultures and global dynamics, Peter Horn
Cultural exchange, Kathleen Thorpe
Interculturality and communication, Ernest W. B. Hess-Lüttich
Global information fluxes and cultures, Maria Wuketits
Global cultural integration and differences, Maria Wuketits
5. Twentieth Century Perspectives on Culture, Peter Horn
Culture and sustainable development of human society, Herbert Eisele
Ecology of culture, Franz M. Wuketits
Cultural change phenomena, Valery Timopeyev
Environment and communication, Ernest W. B. Hess-Lüttich
EOLSS 6.24.
Literature and the Fine Arts
Herbert Arlt
Editors: Donald G. Daviau, Peter Horn
Literature and the Fine Arts, Herbert Arlt
1. Artists, Herbert Arlt
Memorists, Anette Horn
Creators, Valery Timopheyev
Visionaries, Alexandr W. Belobratow
Outsiders, Gerlinde Ulm Sanford
Nomads, Knut Ove Arntzen
2. Audiences in the Arts, Steven Totosy
Typology of audiences, Jamila Baier-Matthews
Influences of audiences on the arts, David Simo
3. Power structures, Peter Horn
Distributors and organisers, Peter Horn
Education, Gerlinde Ulm Sanford
4. Media, Peter Horn/Andrea Rosenauer
Tone, Herbert Arlt
Image, Birgit Mersmann
Script, Herbert Arlt
5. Communication Forms, Peter Horn
Direct communication, Peter Horn
Mass communication, Peter Horn
6. Markets and Art Processes, Peter Horn
Art centres and transnational processes, Knut Ove Arntzen
The arts and globalisation, Alioune Sow