Innovationen und Reproduktionen in Kulturen und Gesellschaften (IRICS) Wien, 9. bis 11. Dezember 2005


Reproduction and Innovation in Literarure. The Narrative

Chair of the section/Suggestions, Abstracts, Contributions to:

Azat Yeghiazaryan (Armenian National Academy of Sciences)

Speakers >>


Narrative is one of the main forms of literature. It is obvious that in the XX century the narrative changed deeply. On the one hand, it maintained the capacity to reflect life in depth and wholly. But on the other hand, it has lost many of its typical features.

For example, at the beginning of the XX century in works by J. Joyce and M. Proust and others we see radical changes and innovations, such as inner monologue, stream of consciousness. That led to important changes in the plot, characters, etc.

Yet those changes were not casual as they reflected the changes in public consciousness. The same innovation, similar changes of narrative can be noticed in all European and not only in European literatures.

ReferentInnen / Speakers

  • Yelena Aleksanyan (Institute of Literature, Yerevan). The Innovations of the Narrative Style [ABSTRACT]
  • Ashot Alexanian (Jerewan-Wien, Armenien): Robert Musil als Pataphysiker [ABSTRACT]
  • Kevork Bardakjian (University of Michigan): Recasting the Armenian past: Raffi's historical novel, Samuel [ABSTRACT]
  • Bernard Outtier ( National Center for Scientific Research, Paris and University Geneva): Rewriting in Armenia: Two Examples [ABSTRACT]
  • Arputharani Sengupta (Dept. of History of Art, National Museum Institute, New Delhi, India): Innovations in Tamil Literature [ABSTRACT]
  • Alice Ter-Ghevondian (Erevan, Armenie): L’innovation des traditions de la littérature fantastique sur l’exemple des œuvres de Julio Cortazar [ABSTRACT]
  • Boghos Levon Zekiyan (Universita Ca'Foscari Venezia - Dipartamento di Eurasiatici Lingua e literatura Armena): Continuity and change, tradition and innovation in Armenian identity [ABSTRACT]

Innovations and Reproductions in Cultures and Societies
(IRICS) Vienna, 9 - 11 december 2005

WEBDESIGN: Peter R. Horn 2005-10-25