The city is a semiotic system - a way of life, a way of producing and consuming goods and codes. It springs from the need to exchange products - goods and information - symbolic exchanges. It is a territory organized to establish communication, that is say, to turn private goods and ideological dreams into common property.
In a multicultural society, as we can see in our largest cities, where you can find complete strangers growing together without any such ethnic, racial, religious or political relationship, we are constantly suffering a huge social modification of adaptation. We are forced to explore and adapt to new forms of life in the city, of building communities, of respecting different behavior and of experimenting different riches from these encounters.
The contemporary city is like a geopolitical space, of ordering signs in a territory of collective coexistence and of the encounter of differences. The city is living, and it keeps hold of the past and the present. It is a writing in space that is reborn time and time again. The city never stops. According to Milton Santos, a Brazilian geographer, during this process, the city, a living organism, imposes functional and symbolic values of commercial solidarity within several sectors. New places are called to new functions; old places are rejuvenated partially or entirely, demolished or conserved as relics. At each historical moment, a new piece of the city develops differently.
Like the places, the people at each historic moment are also renewed. They are ripped down from their original places, and are forced into new relationships, but at the same time, conserving their relics.
Today, our story is revealed through the new and trivial daily life of the common people, the true authors of daily life.
This research, carried out in the city of Florianópolis, presents the results of the observation of the city's growth in the last ten years. The objective of this paper is to show how the growth of the city is promoting new forms of cultural integration due to congregational living spaces that join migrating families from different areas of Brazil who are not related in family or cultural ties. Due to the coexistence of new communities laid down by political urbanism, they adopt and adapt to new forms of relationship. According to Milton Santos, "In a society of information, the relationship among people creates new riches."
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