From an individual interest of an artist to a general interest of contemporary art
Branko Andric taken as a case studyBranko Andric (Vienna) [BIO]
Email: b.andric@gmx.net
This paper is an attempt to describe the nature of the artist Branko Andric (1942* - 2005), by discussing his art practice in the field of literature, music, film and fine arts, in the one hand and significant topics of interest on the other, with the objective of describing a general idea or statement, which can be translated and understood beyond the boundaries of fine arts, e.g. politics, cognitive sciences, philosophy etc.
The research work has started in 2006 by planning an paradigmatic exhibition that should be shown on the academy of fine arts vienna in autumn 2007. The design of an appropriate exhibition model and program, was thought to be as multidisciplinary as B. Andric has been working, by inviting scientist from different departments to collaborate together, (e.g. architects translating the leading structure appearing in his graphics into an exhibition architecture).
Understanding the use of different media as a distanced relation to each, we find the same situation in his life, which was determined by traveling between Novi Sad (Serbia), the place where he was born, and Vienna (Austria), the city where he moved in the early 70´s. This distance to a particular culture leads again to a higher complexity on the level of semantics, which we attempt to elaborate in cooperation with theorists and artist from former Yugoslavia, especially the group of concept and avant-garde artists, to which he has had a relation.
Taking Branko Andric as a case study or paradigm of an post modern artist, we can try to find an approximate reduction for a theory that describes a general focus of art that is existing in a complex interplay of particular practices, emerged in the recent stages of the civilization process.
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