Creative element in the translation of precedent phenomena
S.V. Bannikova (Tambov, Russia)
Email: tafessenko@rambler.ru
The process of translation of precedent phenomena is considered to be very complicated because the interpreter should translate not only the verbal form but also a concept which stands behind it. Each precedent phenomenon has a very distinctive ethnic connotation or associative potential which is determined by the ethnic culture in which it functions. This cultural determination is of a greater degree in the case of ethnic precedent phenomena and of a smaller degree in the case of international or transnational precedent phenomena, but this determination is always present. It is translator’s main concern to understand the slightest accents in the meaning of a precedent phenomenon in the original language and find the most suitable equivalent to it in the language of translation. The purpose of such translation is to activate the same mental structures in the receivers of translated variant as were activated in receivers of the original (T. A. Fesenko) thus to produce the same emotional effect which is impossible without the creative element. In the cause of study of this theme we come to conclusion that all methods of translation are used in the process of translation of precedent phenomena: transliteration/transcription, word for word translation, method of description, method of contextual changes (generalization, antonymic translation, concretization), the use of explanation or remarks. All these translation techniques presuppose some creative process on translator’s side (except transliteration or transcription). The frequency of methods is different in the case of ethnic and transnational precedent phenomena. Ethnic precedent phenomena are more frequently translated by the use of word for word technique (25.3%) or explanations and remarks (18.6%). Transnational precedent phenomena in the majority of cases have constant variants of translation (81.5%) but the rest actualize elements of meaning typical only of one ethnic language and are translated using generalization, concretization or antonymic translation. The creative element of translation helps to achieve the main purpose of translation: to produce the same result on the receiver as the original
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