Patron: President of Austria, Dr. Heinz Fischer

KCTOS: Knowledge, Creativity and
Transformations of Societies

Vienna, 6 to 9 December 2007

<<< Different Ways of Thinking: Formation – effects – interactions / Verschiedene Denkweisen: Entstehung – Wirkungen – Zusammenwirken


Seeking the Innocence of Thinking in the New Mythogenetic Zone

Stephania Dimitrova (Foundation for Cultural Studies, Madara, Bulgaria) [BIO]





The socially authorized mythologies and cults of all ages determined the form and content of our most profound and personal experiences including thinking. The intent of the old mythologies was to integrate the individual in his group, to imprint on his mind the ideals of that group, to fashion him according the one or another of its stereotypes, and convert him thus into absolutely dependable cliché.

Is it true that today the old mythologies are going into pieces leaving the individual to be a light unto himself? Or we have to face the painful realization that the imprints of social environment and archetypes are so deep, that it is impossible to pretend that we are already thinking, as we want to.

Admitting the fact that the role of the ancient mythology has become assumed by an increasingly officious array of ostensibly permissive, but actually coercive, secular institutions, this paper will focus on the creative transformation of the mythogenetic zone that makes possible a new pattern of thinking.


Patron: President of Austria, Dr. Heinz Fischer

KCTOS: Knowledge, Creativity and
Transformations of Societies

Vienna, 6 to 9 December 2007