Development of Legal Foundations of Information Safety of Personality Oriented Civil Society
Alexander Fisun (Orel, Russia) [BIO]
Email: fisun@orel.ru
One of the problems of personality oriented civil society construction in Russia is a creation of adequate information legislation and branches of law, which control information public relations (IPR) in the sphere of information safety support (ISS) of human being.
The solution of the problem supposes the elaboration of theoretic-legal foundations of information safety support of the information sphere, in which leading role belongs to Homo. It requires to take into account a set of legal doctrines, branches of law, system and information theories of systems, theoretical information and computer science, ISS of socio-technical systems, etc. for getting the most complete view about the content of IPR in the research.
While setting up the problem and creating theoretical positions of legal foundations of ISS, the validity of usage of the known approaches, factors, principles, legitimacies and methods of research is defined by information and its features as the main object of IPR, and personality as a main subject of the latter. Consideration of information content is mainly connected with research of its essential features, which are valuable for a human being not only for satisfying his/her physical-biological, but also social and spiritual requirements, and also for supporting his/her information rights and freedoms in conditions of existence of different threats. The said above defines a problem of ISS of any human in personality oriented civil society.
Within the framework of solution of the problem in consideration the following goals are discussed:
- Creation of structure of legal foundations of information safety as scientific specialization and sub-branch of the law, legislation and educational discipline;
- elaboration of their methodology and conceptual body?
The realization of these goals are systemically carried out in the context of safety support of information sphere, which is an integral unity of all kinds of activities of lawful state and personality oriented civil society, aimed at humans’ values, needs and wants.
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