Quality of life and PERSONALITY self-realization in civil society: social and economic determinant
Lola Kolpina (Belgorod, Russia) [BIO]
Email: kolpina@bel.edu.ru
A civil society as a system of vertical and horizontal relations, based on individual interest and initiative, capable to realize needs and values of citizens, their individual creativity by means of self-organizing in personality oriented structures, has not received a sufficient development in Russia. The compelled total concentration of human being’s energy on satisfaction of basic needs, connected with low social and economic parameters of quality of life, does not give the opportunity of its personal self-realization and growth of human potential.
Thus, the main causes, which hinder the formation of a personality oriented society, and as consequence, personality self-realization, include:
- The low level of social and economic development of the country, insufficient satisfaction of basic needs of the majority of citizens, impossibility of their vital plans realization.
- The absence of guarantees of human’s inviolability, its life, freedom, and property as necessary conditions of dynamical economic growth, betterment of the population life quality.
- The discrepancy of social state policy to interests of the majority of population, inability of civil society institutes and structures to protect and defend its interests generates high social differentiation, mass poverty, depressive social self-feeling, simultaneously apathy and aggression, loss of perspective.
The imperative of civil society strengthening dictates the necessity
- to change the paradigm of the state policy for betterment quality of life, its social and economic determinant and
- to activate civil initiatives aimed at creation of conditions for high-grade personality self-realization.
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