Struggle against HIV/AIDS Pandemia as outer Determinant of Personality Oriented Civil Society
Waleriy Molotilov (Orel, Russia)
Email: orelaids@yandex.ru
The new stage of human gender evolution and social institutions in the world is considered. In this regard the necessity of transition of civil society into the personality oriented material-ideal-spiritual formation is analyzed in the context of great need in uniting people at decision of emergent problems, including HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Nowadays sexual contacts have become the main way of such infection transmission. In this connection the heredity of such Russian thinkers, as S. Bulgakov and W. Rosanov, acquires a new significance, because they showed that gender was a noumenal marker, which generated the display of highest moral principles in individuals. The regeneration of morals on the basis of systemically organized struggle of various strata of people with HIV/AIDS pandemia is discussed.
The analysis of numerous publications and world experience has aided to formulate following problems facing world co-society, peoples and governments:
- integration of non-commercial organizations, communities of world religions, other confessions, and business-co-societies, aimed at systemic struggle against HIV/AIDS epidemic;
- invoking international, national, and regional media as effective means of public opinion formation on the solidarity of people in the struggle with HIV/AIDS disease;
- working out common national policies, directed at unity of people at the struggle against the pandemia on the basis of joining forces of world co-society, civil society organizations, business-co-societies, federal, regional; and municipal powers at the decision of systemic related tasks;
- consolidation and strengthening of potential of organizations and co-societies, which unite together people with HIV-infection; construction of portals in Internet;
- formation of common coordination organ of high level with wide multy-aspected powers in every country.
The content of the problems in consideration indicates that their realization will promote to form a personality oriented civil society with developed and developing democracies.
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