Eco-businesses and International Cooperation: New speeches on Amazonia
Neusa Pressler (Universidade da Amazônia / Belém / Brasilien)
Email: neusapressler@yahoo.com.br
The object of study of the present research is to analyze the speech of the Agencies of International Cooperation that establishes its interventions with the traditional communities in Amazonia, from the decade of 1990. These interventions seek for the "enterprisingly approach" and the "generation of income" with base in the sustainable businesses ("eco-businesses"). In this speech the mechanism of "fight against the poverty" and of preservation of the nature is implicit.
The context of production of this speech is the same of the global economy (1995–2005), of the liberalizing reforms in commercial politics and of cooperation between international agencies and regulation (OMC – World-wide Organization of Commerce, FMI – International Monetary Fund, BM – World-wide Bank, UNCTAD – Conference of the United Nations on Commerce and Development) that structure a field of economic and ideological-political power in which the States of the "poor countries" or in development are prepared in order to act on the market ("eco-businesses, agro-ecology, ethnic fashion, bio-jewelry") among others.
In this speech field the image of the actors, the relations and the products is produced. It is distinguished in this study the speeches of the media on the called sector Eco-businesses that is split in several activities referred to the "poor countries", to the "communities of poor countries" and that, in the last decades has entered in the international market with the "logo" preservation of the nature. The understanding of the construction of this speech space about Amazonian and sustainable businesses is the object of debate of this study.
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