Patron: President of Austria, Dr. Heinz Fischer

KCTOS: Knowledge, Creativity and
Transformations of Societies

Vienna, 6 to 9 December 2007

<<< Arctic, Antarctica, Alps, Art – Imagining the Extreme, Natural Sciences, Humanities, Arts - Dialoguing

Artistic reserach into geocultural identities
Exemplified methodologically and related to Svalbard

Elsebet Rahlff, visual artist (Bergen, Norway) [BIO]






My presentation will emphazise on some ways of using art to shed light on aspects of societal development in relationship to geographical identities. I will present work in the range from video work to textile objects, espescially with regard to how the northern hemisphere, i.e. the Barents Sea with Svalbard (Spitzbergen), as it can be seen by the artistic gaze, and what relevance it can have for understanding artistic praxis in interaction with scientific approaches. Some of my material was presented by Knut Ove Arntzen at the IRICS-conference, 2005, in Vienna, at the section ”Ränder der Welt”, in which extracts of my video "Blick auf Barentsburg" (Gaze Barentsburg), presented in my absence in Arntzen´s lecture «Gibt es eine Svalbard-Kunst?».

In the KCTOS-presentation some new aspects of geocultural artistic researchwill be presented.



Patron: President of Austria, Dr. Heinz Fischer

KCTOS: Knowledge, Creativity and
Transformations of Societies

Vienna, 6 to 9 December 2007