Local Self-Government and Public Chamber as Factors of Personality Oriented Civil Society Construction in Russia
George Samostroenko (Orel, Russia) [BIO]
Email: samostroenko@yandex.ru
Civil society should be personality oriented. The construction of civil society in Russia is in its starting point. Therefore it is of use to begin creating the system oriented at every concrete human being. In this regard the orientation should penetrate all society vertically and horizontally. Vertical subsystem works out the conditions, in which other orientation is impossible; horizontal subsystem organizes the concrete work with a concrete person.
Two factors: local self-government and Public chamber, play a special role in the discussed system. The local self-government structures are as much as possible approached to the concrete human. Objectively the basic work of the horizontal subsystem is laid on them. There exist three tasks, which should be solved by local government structures:
- To restore the trust of the population. According to the data of Fund of public opinion (May, 2007) 8% of inhabitants of the country trust to heads of local self-government, and only 2% – to local councils. It is underlined that the level of the trust directly depends on the quality of solving persons’ problems.
- To modernize local self-government for creating many-sided and wholistic environment which causes trust and takes into account the objectivity of variety of needs and wants of the population.
- To organize and evaluate the activities of local self-government from positions of utility for a concrete person.
The responsible work aimed at the formation of personality oriented civil society by vertical subsystem is laid down on the Public chamber. In this respect, the Public chamber should carry out the following functions:
- expertise of the working and accepted normative-legal acts for the subject of its conformity to tasks of civil society construction;
- control over the work of state structures, the dialogue of society and authority, and legal protection of citizens.
Thus, both social institutes – local government and Public chamber – are the important factors, capable to stimulate consciousness and activities of people to create personality oriented civil society in Russia.
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