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Improvement of the education of growing generations through accessing to European value on base of the German language
Nurgan Sartbekova (Kyrgyz Stan, Kyrgyz State University)
In given article the researchers together with German teachers critically analyze that purposes, which they most often put before themselves when upbringing and formation to personalities. At present in Germany, either as in Kyrgyz Republic very similar problems are existed: for children comes short a parental education in that early years which, in the opinion of psychologists, are solving for development of child, but their parents have no time, patience, and desire to concern with children. The Public figures, politicians, managers in recently too often express regret about insufficient supplying of the schools with computers and connection to Internet. Thence new methods are come: remote education, education without take-off from production, virtual university, extension courses etc. However base knowledge dug by man for a millenniums grow on very slowly being of interest for all, not only for specialists. It is not so simply to filter the knowledge from Internet and compact disks - exactly the knowledge must be given by school. The Authors consider that schools must return to its initial purpose - a formation and education. But it is something greater, than simply the translation of the knowledge and skills, fabrication of goods for the market of the labor. The Authors also consider with the one more important problem of insufficient of adult’s attention to education, absence of valuables. The education of children presently is less concerned, their parents are prone to give their inaction for liberalism but schools are unable to fill the deficit of the education: comes short money, time, teachers. How to bring up children if there are no general valuables, rates, sample? Maybe the education is completely senselessly? But if abandon to education then there is no formation because to learn is possible only people got education. The present disastrous condition of the German formation, as however, and Kyrgyz is an effect of the education’s crisis. It is necessary to begin with education to perfect the position in the field of formation. So the authors offer to do following to debate the main question: "How to bring up the children in atmosphere of the constant change of valuables and their disintegration?"
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