Improvement of the Population Quality of Life as the Basis of Strategy of Regional Development in Russia
Natalia Segedina (Belgorod, Russia) [BIO]
Email: nsegedina@mail.ru
The conceptual substantiation of strategy of social development is one of the most important goals of civil society being in Russia. Belgorod region’s experience gives the basis to assert that the conception and the program of improvement of the population quality of life can be laid into the basis of the strategy.
The essence of the control and management strategy aimed at betterment of population quality of life includes some propositions:
- Quality of life of people is a main reference point of development of a society, a specific compass of any transformations.
- The politics directed at betterment of quality of life is considered as the long-term perspective, which is not restricted by time limits.
- Reducing the quality of life problem only to its material consistuent is erroneous, because it covers all aspects of human life, including spiritual development of personality.
- All groups of the population require quality of life betterment, but the goal is filled with the concrete content in accordance with status of the former.
- Betterment of quality of human life means creation of conditions for the highest possible human needs satisfaction during the given concrete moment.
- The authority should precisely represent these needs, not hinder those who is capable to resolve their problems and help those who cannot satisfy the requirements because of objective circumstances.
- Improvement of quality of life of population is connected with
- maintenance of human rights on life and its protection;
- creation of favorable conditions for work, life and spiritual development;
- presence of hope for the best future and moral health of society.
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