Ecoethics as a Starting Point of Personality Oriented Civil Society Formation
Vladimir Volchenko (Moscow, Russia)
Email: homo@bmstu.ru
The appearance and development of economy of service and post-industrial civilization in developed countries is being accompanied with systemic crises (demographic, ecological, economical, political, etc.) in the world society. Drop of morals, growth of needs values on the one hand and growth of terrorism on the other hand are taken place. The way out from these crises is seen in spiritual regeneration of all spheres of life. The development of spiritual beginning in democratic countries is connected with
- transformation of civil society into personality oriented formation in developed countries and
- building personality oriented civil society in developing countries, for example, in Russia
.This assertion is well-grounded by information-energetic model of vitality created by me. It points to the fact that nomogenesis (development of any life, including human one) is based on the primacy of spiritual metaphysic beginning.
In this regard the spiritual space should be interpreted as information-energetic space of Universe, where human being is a mediator between nature and semantic cosmos. From the model it follows that it is necessary to create favorable conditions for people in order to stimulate displaying their great spiritual potential in social environment that generates the direction of
- being, development and functioning mental and body sphere of individual;
- activity of civil society social institutions.
This model became the basis of working out the conception of ecoethics, aimed at the realization of leadership of spiritual beginning in country’s life. It is justified that ecoethics can become a starting point of personality oriented civil society being in developed and developing countries.
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