
Institut zur Erforschung und Förderung österreichischer
      und internationaler Literaturprozesse             Media information

"The Unifying Aspects of Cultures" - International Conference in Vienna on Culture

Austria Center Vienna (U1 Kaisermühlen/VIC)
7 to 9 November 2003

INST-Media information, 26 September 2003
Wiss.Dir.Dr. Herbert Arlt
Tel: 01/7481633/11

4000 Participants from 70 Countries

850 million people live in Europe. The farmer in Southern Italy, the scientist in Norway and the artist in Ireland have one thing in common: culture. The international conference "The Unifying Aspects of Cultures" to be held from 7 to 9 November in the Austria Center in Vienna, is intended to demonstrate this rich basis of Europe and not only from the perspective of European identity. Some 4000 people from 70 countries are expected to participate.

How do we perceive culture as the foundation of business, science, education and art? How do we understand and use "our" culture and that of the "others" for intelligent communication and for shaping human existence? How do we communicate the so-called "foreign" as we do our own and vice versa? These are but some of the questions to be examined at the conference. It is expected that the meeting will begin with virtual guest contributions by the world-renowned linguistics scholar and author Noam Chomsky and by the author Umberto Eco.

The Plenary speakers will be: Katérina Stenou (UNESCO), Walter Schwimmer (European Council), Andreas Mailath-Pokorny (Councilor for Culture/Vienna), the cultural scientists Peter Horn (South Africa) and Martin Bernal (USA), Arthur Mettinger (Vice Rector/Vienna), Tschingis Aitmatow (author/Kirgisistan), his colleagues Milo Dor and Doron Rabinovici (Austria), Adolf Muschg (Switzerland), the political scientist Anton Pelinka and other well-known representatives of European institutions.

Information about the conference can be found on the Internet at the following address: The form of the meeting is unique and unprecedented. It stands under the patronage of the President of Austria, Dr. Thomas Klestil. Members of the Honorary Committee, among others, are the Mayor of Vienna, Dr. Michael Häupl, Dr. Erhard Busek and Dr. Eva Glawischnig. The evening programs will include a performance of "Go Jonny go" in the Kunsthalle, the concert "Mosa Sisic & the Modern Gipsies," sponsored jointly with the House of Integration (Integrationshaus) in the Remise, and the presentation of films and radio plays in the ORF RadioKulturhaus.

posted: 2003-09-26




Ausstellung: Kulturwissenschaften und Europa


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