Ludmilla Kostova (University of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria) |
Report: Border Zones: Travel, Fantasy and Representation |
Hanna Hacker (Wien) |
Ohne Queeren: keine Grenze. Historische Erzählungen von Translokalität und sexuellem Selbst. Kulturbruchstelle Border Zone |
Monika Fischer (University of Missouri, USA) |
Travel Writing and Parrhesia: the Case of Annemarie Schwarzenbach and Ella Maillart |
Sorina Serbanescu (Université d’Ouest de Timisoara, Roumanie) |
Les mythes et les symboles, véhicules de pérennité et de transculturalité. Cas de figure: le symbole du voyageur chez Lucian Blaga et chez Paul Claudel |
Irina Perianova (Economic University of Sofia, Bulgaria) |
Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? |
Gergana Apostolova (South Western University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria) |
TRANSLEGENDRY: Borders and Archetypes in Bulgarian Legends |
Elena Andonova-Kalapsazova (South Western University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria) |
Practicing Magic from the Margins: Rearticulations of Prospero’s Magic in John Fowles’s The Magus, Iris Murdoch’s The Sea, the Sea, and John Banville’s Ghosts |
Ludmilla Kostova (University of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria) |
Malcolm Bradbury's To The Hermitage: Fiction, History, and the East/West Divide |
Jaroslav Kušnír (The University of Prešov, Slovakia) |
Border Zones in Richard Flanagan´s Fiction (Death of a River Guide, 1994) |
Oliver S. Müller (University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia) |
Crossing Boundaries: Negotiating Literary and Cultural Identities in Nico Helminger’s Poetry |
David Jenkins (Plovdiv University, Bulgaria) |
Mountains to the Sea |
Elissavet Evdoridou (University of Thessaly, Greece) / Theodoros Karakasidis (University of Thessaly, Greece) |
Border Roles |
Boryana Bratanova (University of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria) |
Between Cognition and Cultural Discourse: A Liminal Approach to Causation in Language |