The world has been sectioned into ‘developed’, ‘developing’ and ‘underdeveloped’ societies with far reaching implications for human and national and even international psychologies. It is imperative therefore, that researchers come together in this section to deliberate on the major theme: knowledge, Creativity and Transformations in Underdeveloped and Developing Societies” to help bring about changes in areas where they are fully challenged for future transformations.
The Research Institute for Regional and Transnational Cultural Processes (INST) requests multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary papers for presentations at the INST 2007 conference in Vienna, Austria. The Aim of the conference section is to promote knowledge advancements and greater cultural understanding and acceptance of differences for the production of creativity, knowledge, and transformations particularly in developing and underdeveloped societies. Attendance at this section is open to anyone. The conference section focus is exploring and investigating how knowledge, creativity and transformations have been and are being advanced in developing and underdeveloped societies such as Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and South America etc.
The Section focus will explore themes on Education (primary, secondary, tertiary, administration, policies, funding, curriculum etc), Health care and accessibility, Religion transformations, Childhood and youth (history, health, crime, substance abuse etc), media and policies, diversity (national and international migrations, policies and indigenous and cultural issues including rights, poverty, family etc).
Abstracts are restricted to 250 words and 150-word biography in Word Format
(font 12) double spaced and should be sent to the section chair Erhabor
S. IDEMUDIA, University of Limpopo, South Africa. (
not later than March 2007.