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Climb of the mountain Kasbegi from 28 July to 5 August 2003
Coordination/Mountain Guide: Vano
Up Seminar
Registration: Director Dr. Herbert
On 1 and 2 May 2003 the conference "Mountains, Languages and Tourism in the Caucasus" was held in Tbilissi. The contributions will appear shortly on the mountain website of INST [http://www.inst.at/berge]. They will include, among others, a presentation on the mythological aspect of Kasbegi (the fettering of Prometheus or of Amiran, respectively, to the cliffs of the mountain) and an article on the names of the mountain: Kasbeck (after a prince), Kasbegi [Foto] (after the town at the foot of the mountain), Mkinvari (Georgian: peak) or Mkinvartsveri (Georgian: ice peak). The height is about 5047 meters (estimates vary in international reckonings up to 50 meters; the height given here has been taken from the international Mountain-Climber Lexicon). The first successful ascent was made in 1868 by Douglas Freshfield, A.W. Moore and C.C. Tucker. The mountain is a dead volcano.
28 July 2003
5 August 2003
29 July 2003
30 July 2003
31 July 2003
1 August 2003
- At about 3:00 in the morning the trip to the peak will begin, taking the easiest of the various possible routes. During the climb the snowfields will have a temperature of 20 to 25°. Only the final part (about 100 meters directly before the peak) becomes considerably steeper. Mountain guides with ropes will assure safety on this last section and minimize any difficulties (no knowledge of climbing is required). We are planning on a travel time of 10 to 12 hours (trained groups can negotiate this distance in a good 6 hours).
2 to 4 August 2003
- Descent and transfer to Tbilissi. Depending on the weather, there will also be a possibility to see Tbilissi and surroundings (included in the price). It is a beautiful old cultural city with museums (the Golden Fleece came from Georgia, the oldest remains of people found in excavations in Georgia are dated at about 1.3 million years), theaters, opera, concert halls, and also a wonderful shopping street and many and many restaurants. Georgian tables are famous. The country has a great variety of excellent foods and drinks to offer (above all wine). Transportation and guided cultural tours, etc. are available. However, the mountain climb will have the top priority. On 4 August 2003 there will also be the opportunity to take part in the conference "Eco-tourism and Regional Development in South Caucasus" (in Went-Capacity Building International, Tbilissi), where the INST-World Project of the mountains is to be presented.
3.1. Equipment
Equipment (crampons, etc.) will be provided by the organizers. You will be responsible for your own food, which you will also carry (according to the size of the group 3 or 4 mountain guides will be available). Thus you will need to look after your own personal needs. Do keep in mind that your pack should be kept as light as possible (clothing for Tbilissi, etc. can be left in Kasbegi). You will need: weatherproof clothing in several layers for the 0° C or possibly somewhat higher temperatures during the climb and changes of clothing, heavy-duty mountain shoes (we will be walking all day in the snow), gaiters or leggings that can be held firmly in place by straps running under your shoes to keep the snow out, knapsack, sleeping bag. In principle there is also the possibility of skiing down about 3000 meters with short skis (however, you would have to carry the skis up with you). We will need to know your shoe size for the crampons.
3.2. Safety
IIn Georgia the union of mountain climbers has a helicopter at its disposal. Even if we proceed from the assumption that we will not have need of such equipment, the helicopter will be informed about our trip. The helicopter can respond to an emergency within one hour. However, use of the helicopter is not included in the price. With membership various mountain groups offer insurance that would cover these costs. However, this kind of insurance is often also included as a bonus feature by credit cards (please check in advance). Payment does not have to be paid immediately. The Georgian mountain climber's union provides the guarantee.
3.3. The Group
The group at this time consists of artists and cultural scientists. The climb of Kasbegi is understood as a cultural project and not as extreme sport (even if good health is required).
3.4. Training
Since most members of the group have no specific high-mountain experience, we are offering training from 4 to 6 July 2003 under the direction of a mountain guide on a glacier in West Austria. Equipment (except naturally appropriate clothing, etc.) is not required (but also in this case we need to know your shoe size). The choice of glacier depends on the participation. In the event of a small group there are only the costs of travel and accommodations. With membership in a mountain climbing club the costs are reduced for hotel and other things. You are, however, not required to take part in this training, since there will also be a practice session on the Kasbegi glacier. In general, however, some exercise to insure good physical condition before the climb is absolutely essential.