Institut zur Erforschung und Förderung österreichischer und internationaler Literaturprozesse

Cultural Seminar: Mountain and Myth

Climb of the mountain Kasbegi from 28 July to 5 August 2003
Coordination/Mountain Guide: Vano Vashakmadze

Ivan Vashakmadze, 1960, Tbilisi, Georgia, Mountain Guide. Co-founder of the Mountain guide association of Georgia, Vice-president of the Mountaineering and Climbing Association of Georgia, Co-founder of Gudauri Ski-Club, Member of Global Mountain Forum, Member of council-advisors of the Georgian Tourism State Council, Co-founder and Director of Sustainable Tourism Center in Georgia. Languages: Georgian, English, Russian, German. Education/Professionalities: 1982: Graduation on Diploma on Theorectic Physics, 1983-1992 Institute of High Energy Physics, 1993-1995 International Telecommunication and Information Center of Georgia, since 1993 Tourism (Training for Trainers, International Capacity Building for Georgian Tourism).

Section "Mountain eco-tourism - myth and reality"/Conference "The unifying aspects of cultures"/Vienna, 7 to 9 November 2003/in WWW:

Last change: 2003-06-16     Location (URL):
© Research Institute for Austrian and International Literature and Cultural Studies (INST), 2003

Webmeisterin: Peter R. Horn