Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften

0. Nr. 1. Nr. 2. Nr. 3. Nr. 4. Nr. 5. Nr. 6. Nr. 7. Nr. 8. Nr. 9. Nr. 10. Nr.
11. Nr. 12. Nr. 13. Nr. 14. Nr. 15. Nr. 16. Nr. 17. Nr.

English | German | French

TRANS - Aims and Scope

TRANS. Internet journal for cultural studies is a platform for the discussion of transdisciplinary initiatives in the areas of literature, language, libraries and cultural studies. The journal is published by the Research Institute for Austrian and International Literature and Cultural Studies (INST) and is instrumental in INST's work of developing an international structure for scientific communication. TRANS contains contributions in German, English and French from INST's programme (No. 0) and from conferences organised by INST and its partner organisations. Main themes are:

The journal has been available free of charge on the WWW since 1997 and is constantly being expanded. The Austrian National Library and INST archive the journal, ensuring that its articles may be quoted. Attention is paid to high editorial standards for published articles.

Should your academic discipline not yet recommend a mode for WWW references, we would suggest the following form:
Author's name: Title of the article. In: TRANS Nr./year. WWW: URL of the article. Retrieved on: retrieval date.
For example:
Anil Bhatti: Aspekte der Grenzziehung; Postkolonial. In: TRANS Nr.0/1998. WWW: Retrieved on 2001-03-29.

Authors: Please visit our Guidelines for Contributors to TRANS.

See also the book:

Herbert Arlt, Donald G. Daviau, Gertrude Durusoy, Andrea Rosenauer (Hrsg.):
TRANS. Dokumentation eines kulturwissenschaftlichen Polylogversuchs im WWW (1997-2002).
Röhrig Universitätsverlag: St. Ingbert 2002.
On the Main TRANS Themes

Please address inquiries to Dr. Herbert Arlt, Scientific Director (

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Last update of this page: 27.01.2010