The entire history of the world can be recounted in terms of the dichotomy between innovation and reproduction or tradition, and the arts represent a perfect example of the alternation of the two tendencies. The culture as well as the world needs both the preservation of the heritage and at the same time the capacity through innovation and change to expand human horizons and enable the development of new dimensions of intelligence, creativity and achievement.
This section will illustrate these principles through examples from Austrian literature and film. As is true of every field of human endeavor, Austrian literature and film exhibit periods of clinging to the past (thesis), followed by the innovation of new themes, forms and styles (antithesis), resulting in a blend (synthesis), which begins the Hegelian cycle anew. Presenters may address any aspect of innovation and reproduction, focusing on the contribution of movements or of individual authors or filmmakers. The topic is a rich one, and I look forward to a productive and meaningful session.